Developer Documentation | KiCad

Welcome to the KiCad Developer Documentation

This site contains information for contributors to the KiCad source code, translations, and Python plugins.

Building and Contributing to KiCad Software

If you would like to build KiCad from source and contribute bug fixes or new features, please read the Getting Started section carefully. We welcome contributions from new developers and expect all new contributors to familiarize themselves with our policies and guidelines before opening a merge request.

Translating KiCad

If you are interested in improving the translation of KiCad into your language, or adding a new language, please read the translation information page for details.

Developing Python plugins

If you are interested in creating plugins using the KiCad Python API (currently only accessible in the PCB editor), the Python section has information about where to find SWIG binding documentation and some examples.

Publishing Addons (Plugin and Content Manager packages)

If you are interested in publishing your Python plugin, color theme, or symbol/footprint libraries in the KiCad public content repository, please read the KiCad addons documentation for requirements and suggested guidelines.